Sunday, July 15, 2012

Digital Technology

How to Survive in a Digital World....
Adventureland ~ Mia Mackey
We are in the world of Digital. We all have phones that take pictures (great for sharing on social media immediately!) and digital cameras. On our last trip I tried something that I truly was glad I did! I bought a DSLR camera so I could provide my blog and Facebook page with great pictures of my favorite place. I took over 4,000 pictures in April of this year! The only way I was able to keep up with my pictures was by using a different memory card per day. I labeled them before I left and just used #1 on day 1 and so on. An easy and convenient way to keep your memories chronologically and ready to upload and share a whole lot faster! 

I used my cell phone to take pictures to upload to my business Facebook page, so when I got home I emailed myself all of those pictures so I could put them in my scrapbook too. Is there an easier way? I would love to know!! And there is probably an app for that!

For videos I use a Flip video camera so I can upload all videos easier. I started that on a personal level so I could make DVDs without having to connect my camera and copy onto my writable DVD recorder through my TV. I love it! You can edit any way you want, add still shots and text. It is a great source to make your vacation memories pop! Plus they are becoming more and more inexpensive! The size is amazing since my DSLR and my extra lenses are bulky, my Flip fits nicely in a side pocket of my Mickey Mouse camera bag. I toss it into my shorts pocket and am ready at all times!!

Do you have any tips, you’d like to share? Let us know, we can all use ideas on making our lives easier and streamlined!!

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